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New hydrogel fixes raptured cartilage, Study finds

Do you have rapture cartilage? New hydrogel will fix that

According to the findings of a new study, new hydrogel fixes raptured cartilage.


Do you have rapture cartilage? A new hydrogel will fix that. Because cartilage has a propensity to deteriorate with age, joint discomfort is a condition that frequently affects elderly people. Now, researchers at Duke University have invented a new hydrogel that is tougher and more durable than the original. If this works, it could lead to knee implants that last a lot longer.

Unfortunately, natural cartilage does not renew itself very well after being damaged by age or injury.  This is despite the fact that it serves a crucial part in the process of cushioning joints. Pain medication, physical therapy or a whole knee reconstruction may be the only therapeutic choices available today. If the condition worsens too much, a total knee replacement may be necessary. But if the new study that was done by the Duke team is successful, a more desirable choice may soon be accessible.

Hydrogels, which are soft and flexible materials, have been explored as viable materials for cartilage replacement. However, the majority of them have been shown to be incapable of supporting significant weight. The team from Duke University produced a hydrogel in the year 2020. This gel had capabilities that were on par with those of normal cartilage. Since then, they have built a version that is superior to the natural cartilage.

New hydrogel fixes raptured cartilage

The novel hydrogel is formed of cellulose fibers. This is because it makes the material robust while it is being stretched. Cellulose fibers are infused with polyvinyl alcohol. This helps the material return to its former shape after being stretched. They annealed it like glass, which triggered greater crystal formation in the polymer network. Rather than freezing and thawing it like most hydrogels, which is how most hydrogels are produced. It was another production process change made by the researchers.

The finished product is a hydrogel that has a tensile strength of 51 Megapascals (MPa).  This means that it can survive stretching and has a compressive strength of 98 MPa. Also means that it can bear pressure. According to the research team, this represents a tensile strength that is 26% greater. also has a compressive strength that is 66% higher than natural cartilage. In addition, its tensile strength is five times that of other hydrogels made by freezing and thawing. The compressive strength is twice that of those other hydrogels.

In additional experiments, the scientists put their artificial cartilage through a machine that rubbed it against normal cartilage a million times. They subjected it to pressure that was comparable to what is placed on the knee when walking. Also, it was found that the fake cartilage could stand up to wear and tear three times better than real cartilage.

The researchers’ procedure in attaching the hydrogels to bone in a knee joint

It is traditionally difficult to attach hydrogels to bone in a knee joint. So the research team also experimented with an implanted device in the hopes of finding a solution to this problem. The hydrogel is cemented and clamped to a titanium base. After that, the titanium base is then attached to a hole in the cartilage that was caused by the damage. This had a shear strength of 2 MPa, which was 68% higher than the grasp that natural cartilage has on bone.


The group says that implants made from the material are being tested on sheep right now. However, clinical trials on people could start as soon as April 2023.

Is it possible for torn cartilage in the knee to heal on its own?

If a piece of cartilage is destroyed or comes loose, it might lead to the following conditions. This Knee problems include pain, edema, and stiffness. A feeling similar to grinding or clicking when moving the joint. The inability to do routine movements such as walking, climbing stairs, bending, crouching, or kneeling with ease and comfort.

Due to the fact that cartilage does not often have its own blood supply, torn cartilage does not mend very well on its own and must be restored in order to be functional again. When using conservative therapy, the recovery duration is between 6 and 8 weeks. In most cases, the patient improves after undergoing physical therapy. If you have knee pain, it’s best to see a doctor to find out what’s wrong and how to treat it.

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You can do the following to hasten the healing process:

Give the knee some rest. If the knee hurts, you should try to limit your activities to walking only. Make use of crutches so that you can get some pain relief.

Applying ice to your knee will help lessen both the discomfort and the swelling. Do the exercise for 15 to 20 minutes every three to four hours for two to three days, or until the pain and swelling go away.


Put some pressure on your knee. Put a compression sleeve made of neoprene or an elastic bandage on your knee to help manage the swelling.

When you are sitting or lying down, prop your knee up by placing a cushion beneath the heel of your supporting foot.

Consume anti-inflammatory drugs as necessary

Pain relief and swelling reduction can be achieved with the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as Advil, Aleve, or Motrin.

These medications do, however, carry the potential for adverse effects, such as a raised incidence of bleeding and ulceration. They should only be used once in a while, unless your doctor tells you to use them more often.

You may help minimize the stress on your knee by engaging in strengthening and stretching activities. Ask your primary care doctor to send you to a physical therapist who can help you figure out what to do.

Try to stay away from high-impact activities like running and leaping.

However, these non-invasive therapies aren’t always sufficient on their own. In the event that a rip is significant, unstable, or is generating symptoms of locking, surgical intervention may be necessary to either repair or remove problematic edges.

The surgery is often rather straightforward, and in many cases, you will be able to return home on the same day. If the damage was repaired, you might need to wear a brace thereafter for further protection.

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