Hillary Clinton’s Chilling Warning: ‘Total Control at Risk’ Without Social Media Censorship!”

The two times failed hopeful Hillary Clinton delivered a stark message during her recent appearance on CNN, issuing a chilling warning about the dangers of unregulated social media.

Hillary Clinton appeared on CNN to talk about the need for regulating social media. She emphasized that if platforms do not moderate content, “we risk losing complete control.”

Hillary Clinton’s Chilling Warning: ‘Total Control at Risk’ Without Social Media Censorship!

“We should be in view repealing something called Section 230 which gave platforms on the internet immunity because they were thought to be just pass-throughs that they shouldn’t be judged for the content that is posted. But we now know that is an overly simple view that if the platforms whether it is Facebook or Twitter/X or Instagram or TikTok or whatever they are. If they don’t moderate and monitor the content, we lose total control,” Hillary Clinton said.

Clinton said phones should be taken out of schools.

“We’ve conducted a big experiment on ourselves and particularly our kids and I think the evidence is in,” she said. “We’ve got to do more, take phones out of schools. I’m so happy to see schools beginning to do that where kids turn their phone in when they walk in the door.”



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